The Darfur Consortium

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Member Publications

African media coverage

June 1-15 , 2008

Aid reduced
Pressure for arrests
Chad rebels

Aid reduced

Uganda: Daily Monitor
“Sudan needs bed nets, but its tough issuing them”
Published: June 9, 2023

South Africa: News 24
“WFP cuts back on Darfur aid”
Published: June 10, 2023

Angola: Angola Press
“UN agency cuts flights to Darfur”
Published: June 11, 2023

Pressure for arrests

South Africa: News 24
“Sudan urged to arrest suspects”
Published: June 5, 2023

Nigeria: The Guardian
“World court prosecutor presses Security Council on Darfur suspects”
Published: June 6, 2023

Angola: Angola Press
“Sudan: sanctions on Khartoum urged”
Published: June 15, 2023


South Africa: IOL
“S Sudan accuses Khartoum of sending troops”
Published: June 3, 2023

South Africa: IOL
“Khartoum accused of attacking Abyei”
Published: June 3, 2023

Chad Rebels

South Africa: IOL
“Chadian rebels attack refugee town”
Published: June 15, 2023


Africa Reuters: Libya
“Sudanese soldiers and rebels clash in Darfur”
Published: June 10, 2023


African Voices
Join the Darfur Consortium


Action Professionals Association for the People

Aegis Trust Rwanda

African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies

African Center for Development

Africa Internationally Displaced Persons Voice (Africa IDP Voice)

African Security Dialogue and Research (ASDR)

African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET)

The Ahueni Foundation

Alliances for Africa

Amman Centre for Human Rights Studies

Andalus Institute for Tolerance

Anti-Slavery International

Arab Program for Human Rights Activists

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE)

Centre for Research Education and Development of Freedom of Expression and Associated Rights (CREDO)

Citizens for Global Solutions

Conseil National Pour les Libertés en Tunisie

Darfur Alert Coalition (DAC)

Darfur Centre for Human Rights and Development

Darfur Reconciliation and Development Organization (DRDO)

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

East Africa Law Society

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

Femmes Africa Solidarité

La Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH)

Human Rights First

Human Rights Institute of South Africa (HURISA)

Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa

Institute for Security Studies

Inter-African Union for Human Rights (UIDH)


International Refugee Rights Initiative

Justice Africa

Justice and Peace Commission

Lawyers for Human Rights

Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections

Legal Resources Consortium-Nigeria

Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme

Makumira University College, Tumaini University

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Minority Rights Group

National Association of Seadogs

Never Again International

Open Society Justice Initiative

Pan-African Movement

People Against Injustice (PAIN)

Rencontre Africaine Pour la Defense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO)

Sierra Leone STAND Chapter

Sisters' Arabic Forum for Human Rights (SAF)

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP)

Sudan Organization Against Torture (SOAT)

Syrian Organization for Human Rights

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)

Universal Human Rights Network


Women Initiative Nigeria (WIN)

©2007 Darfur Consortium. Design by Deirdre Reznik