The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

Arabic Media

August 29, 2023

Source: Al Ahram (government-friendly, Egyptian daily with over 1 million in circulation)
Headline: Khartoum Expels CARE Director over Spying Activities
By: Abdul Wahid Libini

  • Sudanese authorities gave Paul Barker, CARE country director in Sudan, 72 hours to leave the country after accused him of “spying activities”
  • Sudanese official said that Barker’s activities were inconsistent with his official capacity as a director of a humanitarian organization, adding that the decision to expel him was final
  • Barker was accused of writing fabricated and negative security reports that did not reflect the situation on the ground

Source: Al Jazeera (Leading Arabic News Channel, headquartered in Qatar)
Headline: UN Security Council Endorses Troop deployment in Chad and the Republic of Central Africa

  • UN Security Council endorsed deployment of European Union – United Nations troops in Eastern Chad and the Republic of Central Africa for one year to protect civilian population from Darfur violence outflow
  • According to the United Nations’ statistics, there are 400,000 Darfuri and 200,000 Chadian refugees in Chad, and 200,000 refugees in the Republic of Central Africa
  • French UN envoy avoided saying whether the Security Council will issue a resolution to support the deployment, but added that today’s announcement underscored the need for the international community to do something about the situation in both countries

Source: Al Jazeera (Leading Arabic News Channel, headquartered in Qatar)
Headline: Sudan Rejects Ban Ki-Moon’s Accusations Regarding Violence in Darfur

  • Sudanese government rejected Ban Ki-Moon Statements regarding violence in Darfur and insisted the situation there was calm.  Government spokesperson Ali Al Sadig said “these accusations are false and rely on fabricated reports written by organizations that have hidden agendas,” adding “the government did not conduct any military action in Darfur lately”
  • UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon expressed concern about the latest spike in violence in Darfur which killed and wounded hundreds in the past few weeks.” He urged the government and rebel groups to refrain from any military action and to choose the path of peace instead”
  • Ban Ki-Moon is expected in Sudan and Libya in the next few days where he will push for permanent peace in Darfur and work on the details of hybrid force deployment
  • United States also urged the Sudanese government to provide more support and cooperation in the hybrid force deployment.  State Department spokesperson Tom Casey said “we want full cooperation by the Sudanese government regarding the deployment of the hybrid force”

Read the above in Arabic.



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Makumira University College, Tumaini University

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Minority Rights Group

National Association of Seadogs

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