The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

Arabic Media

September 11, 2023

Source: Annahar (Independent Lebanese daily with strong circulation)
Headline: Ban Ki-Moon Optimistic about Darfur Peace Talks

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon returned to New York City feeling optimistic about progress made in Darfur crisis during his week-long visit to Sudan, Chad, and Libya

  • He said that “some progress was made, which is encouraging,” but indicated that “more efforts are still needed” to achieve the desired outcome
  • Sudanese government reiterated its support for hybrid force deployment in Darfur and President Omar Al Bashir promised coordination and cooperation for speedy and efficient deployment
  • Chadian President Idriss Deby and Libyan Leader Muammar Al Qaddhafi were supportive of peace talks between Darfur rebel groups and the Sudanese government
  • Ki-Moon indicated that the October 27 peace negotiations should be the last such negotiations and urged neighboring countries to exert pressure on all rebel groups to participate

Source: Asharq Al Awsat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: British Minister Proposes Plan to Achieve Peace Including speedy deployment of Darfur Hybrid Force
By: Ismail Adam

  • Gordon Brown of Britain proposed new plan that could enhance peace negotiations’ chances of success and lead to speedy and efficient deployment of Darfur hybrid force
  • British official who visited Sudan insisted on participation of all Darfur rebel groups in order to ensure achieving lasting peace
  • Britain and France to use their influence to convince rebel leaders such as Abdul Wahid Nour to participate in the peace negotiations slated for October 27 in Libya

Source: Al Riyadh (Government-friendly Saudi daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Al Bashir to Visit the Vatican on Thursday
By: Baleegh Hasballah

  • Sudanese president to head a large delegation containing Muslim and Christian members to visit the Vatican and Italy
  • Sudanese official indicated that the visit is intended to showcase the openness of Sudan and to refute allegations that the Sudanese government is an intolerant and a fundamentalist government
  • The visit, according to the same official, comes at an important juncture in Sudan’s history as it attempts to resolve the crisis in Darfur

Read the above in Arabic.


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African Security Dialogue and Research (ASDR)

African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET)

The Ahueni Foundation

Alliances for Africa

Amman Centre for Human Rights Studies

Andalus Institute for Tolerance

Anti-Slavery International

Arab Coalition for Darfur

Arab Program for Human Rights Activists

Association Africaine de Defense des Droits de l'Homme (ASADHO)

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE)

Centre for Research Education and Development of Freedom of Expression and Associated Rights (CREDO)

Citizens for Global Solutions

Conscience International

Conseil National Pour les Libertés en Tunisie

Darfur Alert Coalition (DAC)

Darfur Centre for Human Rights and Development

Darfur Leaders Network (DLN)

Darfur Reconciliation and Development Organization (DRDO)

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

East Africa Law Society

Egyptian Organization for Human Rights

Femmes Africa Solidarité

La Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH)

Forum of African Affairs (FOAA)

Human Rights First

Human Rights Institute of South Africa (HURISA)

Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa

Institute for Security Studies

Inter-African Union for Human Rights (UIDH)


International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Kenya)

International Refugee Rights Initiative

Justice Africa

Justice and Peace Commission

Lawyers for Human Rights

Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections

Legal Resources Consortium-Nigeria

Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme

Makumira University College, Tumaini University

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Minority Rights Group

National Association of Seadogs

Never Again International

Open Society Justice Initiative

Pan-African Movement

Rencontre Africaine Pour la Defense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO)

Sierra Leone STAND Chapter

Sisters' Arabic Forum for Human Rights (SAF)

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP)

Sudan Organization Against Torture (SOAT)

Syrian Organization for Human Rights

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