The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

Arab media

February 15 , 2008

Source: Al Akhbar (Independent Lebanese daily with strong circulation)
Headline: Beijing Olympics Face Political Pressure

  • Chinese government expressed disappointment that director Steven Spielberg resigned as a technical advisor for the Olympic games because of China’s support of Sudan
  •  Chinese embassy in the United States called on everyone interested to focus on China’s positive role in Darfur crisis and to refrain from “politicizing” the games
  • The embassy issued a statement explaining that Darfur crisis “was neither an internal Chinese affair nor was caused by China, therefore it is not logical, responsible, or honest at all that organizations or individuals try to link the two”
  • Spielberg sent a letter to Chinese president indicated “he could not in good conscience continue to be associated with the games.” He acknowledged that Sudan bears most responsibility for “the continuous crimes” in Darfur, but added that because of China’s special relations with Khartoum, it must do more to end suffering in Darfur
  • China came under additional pressure when 9 Nobel Laureates, including Desmond Tutu and Jody Williams, urged the Chinese president to “reinforce the Olympics principles by putting pressure on Sudan to stop atrocities in Darfur”
  • Meanwhile, British Olympics leader said “British athletes would sign an agreement barring them from issuing political statements during the games in accordance with the Olympics games charter”

Source: Al Jazeera (Leading Arabic News Channel, headquartered in Qatar)
Headline: France Acknowledges Helping Deby to Stop Chadian Rebels in N’Djamena

  • French army confirmed reports by French media that its forces in Chad provided ammunition to Chadian government during recent rebels’ attack on N’Djamena
  • During the fighting, France denied rebels claims that its forces intervened on the side of Chadian President Idriss Deby and indicated they only acted in self-defense and to protect the evacuation of foreigners at the airport

Source: Asharq Al Awsat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Visit by Sudanese Officials to Washington Remains a Secret
By: Talha Jibril

  • A visit by a High-ranking Sudanese official team, including Foreign Minister Deng Alor and President Al Bashir’s Advisor Mustapha Ismail, to Washington is still shrouded in secrecy
  • The officials met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for about an hour and discussed Darfur crisis, latest developments in Chad, new wave of Darfur refugees into Chad, Darfur hybrid force deployment, and implementation of peace agreement between South and North Sudan
  • The visiting officials hoped their visit would clear the way for improved relations, including removal from list of countries sponsors of terrorism; instead they found themselves back in square one and having to answer to recent appointment of Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal as government advisor

Source: Al Hayat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Al Mergheni Calls on Egypt and Libya to Intervene to Ease Tensions between Chad and Sudan
By: Mohamed Ashadhli

  • Mohamed Al Mergheni, leader of Sudan’s Unionist Democratic Party, urged Egypt, Libya and neighboring countries to intervene to resolve tensions between Chad and Sudan
  • The leader also called for a national reconciliation conference to discuss crisis in Darfur and peace between North and South Sudan
  • Al Mergheni insisted on providing stability in Darfur and expressed hope Darfur hybrid force would succeed in its mission

Source: Okaz (Government-Friendly, Saudi daily with strong circulation)
Headline: President Al Bashir Reshuffles His Cabinet

  • President Omar Al Bashir reshuffled his cabinet on Thursday.  The changes included 8 positions, but the most significant was the sacking of Ali Al Mardhi, former minister of justice
  • He was replaced by Abdul Bassit Sbidrat who was minister of federal affairs minister
  • Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamed was appointed as minister of the interior replacing Zubeir Taha who was demoted to agriculture
  • Other ministers included in the reshuffle were less significant
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