The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

Arabic Media

January 2 , 2008

Source: Al Ahram (government-friendly, Egyptian daily with over 1 million in circulation)
Headline: Sudan Faces Obstacles to Achieve Total Peace and Democracy
By: Asmaa Al Husni

  • For Darfur, 2007 is about depart leaving bitter taste, and 2008 does not seem to hold much hope
  • International Criminal Court’s demands still unanswered, alliances are frequently shifting, rebel groups keep courting Arab tribes, greed and deception continue to create an break rebel groups, and regional and international powers still unable to come up with a cohesive plan for peace
  • Darfur crisis is destined to remain unresolved in 2008 unless Sudan’s ruling partners were to set aside their differences and combined their efforts to work with Darfur rebel groups to achieve just and lasting peace
  • Without that, Darfur hybrid force’s deployment would turn into a dangerous adventure, thousands of Darfur refugees would remain under constant danger, and rebuilding Darfur a distant dream
  • Despite all the doubt surrounding the ruling partners’ willingness and commitment, the only way forward is their collective effort to address Sudan’s issues they announced recently SPLM ministers returned to Khartoum

Source: Addustour (Government-friendly, Jordanian daily enjoys wide circulation)
Headline: Humanitarian Groups Condemn Decision to Acquit Policemen Involved in Killing Sudanese Refugees

  • Coalition of five humanitarian groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch condemned Egyptian decision to acquit Egyptian police accused of using excessive and deadly force in dispersing a demonstration of Sudanese refugees in Cairo in January 30, 2023

Source: Al Khaleej (UAE daily, with over 80,000 in circulation)
Headline: Sudan Condemns Transfer of French Aid Workers Convicted of Attempting to Kidnap 103 Children

  • Sudanese government demanded that French government does not let the convicts off the hook and enforce the prison sentences
  • Sudan also condemned Chadian government’s decision to handover the condemned aid workers to their native country and considered the action detrimental to the children’s welfare

Source: Al Jazeera (Leading Arabic News Channel, headquartered in Qatar)
Headline: Phone Conversation between Al Bashir and Sarkozy

  • Presidents Sarkozy and Al Bashir discussed Delayed deployment of hybrid force in Darfur and European force in Chad and Central African Republic
  • Sudan vehemently rejected international community accusations that it hindered the force’s deployment in Darfur
  • European force’s delayed deployment was blamed on European countries’ lack of enthusiasm
  • The conversation took place days after France extended rebel leader Abdul Wahid Nour’s visa three months on condition he joins peace talks

Source: Al Jazeera (Leading Arabic News Channel, headquartered in Qatar)
Headline: Darfur Hybrid Force to Takeover Today

  • Darfur hybrid force assumes its responsibility in the volatile region today to replace poorly-equipped and under-funded African Union force. The takeover ceremony will be held in Al Fasher, the capital of north Darfur
  • The force’s leader Rudolph Adada stated that the force will not change the situation in Darfur overnight and urged all parties to work toward peace
  • Meanwhile, Justice and Equality Movement accused Sudanese forces of kidnapping six of its members who worked as monitors at an AU base
  • AU leader Martin Luther acknowledged the disappearance of the six observers, and condemned JEM attack on government positions in western Darfur

Source: Al Hayat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Situation in Darfur Deteriorated on the Eve of Hybrid Force Takeover
By: Annour Ahmed Annour

  • Authorities in western Darfur province denied claims by Justice and Equality Movement they took control Salia town
  • The authorities acknowledged, however, that Chadian forces’ aerial attacks wounded many civilians and caused a lot of damage
  • Radhia Ashuri, UN spokesperson, announced that the organization evacuated 16 aid workers from two villages in western Darfur after Chadian military attacks
  • Meanwhile, Sudanese government submitted an urgent complaint against Chad at the UN Security Council

Source: Al Hayat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Darfur Rebel Groups Object to Egyptian Participation and France Extends Abdul Wahid Nour’s Visa

  • Newly formed Sudan Liberation Army / Movement announced its objection to Chinese, Egyptian, and Pakistani participation in Darfur hybrid force
  • Issam Eddine Al Haj, the movement’s spokesperson, said that Egyptian policies support Khartoum government, while China arms and fills the coffers of the central government, as for Pakistan, he accused it of harboring and supporting terrorism
  • Meanwhile, French authorities extended Abdul Wahid Nour’s visa an extra three months on condition he joins peace negotiations

Source: Annahar (Independent Lebanese daily with strong circulation)
Headline: Hybrid Force Takes Over

  • In a purely symbolic move, AU – UN hybrid force took over yesterday from AU force
  • Rudolph Adada, the head of the new force, cautioned that the situation in Darfur would not change over night and urged all parties involved in Darfur to respect ceasefire and work toward a peaceful solution
  • West Darfur governor promised Sudan’s total cooperation with the new force

Source: Al Khaleej (UAE daily, with over 80,000 in circulation)
Headline: President Bush Signs into Law Sudan Divestment Measure

  • President Bush signed into law a measure that allows state, local, mutual, and private pension funds to divest from Sudan
  • The new law aims to increase economic pressure on Khartoum government to end Darfur crisis
  • The law exempts certain activities for national interest  

Source: Asharq Al Awsat (Saudi-owned Pan-Arab daily with wide circulation)
Headline: Chadian President to Discuss Chadian - Sudanese Relations during Visit to Washington
By: Talha Jibril

  • Chadian President Idriss Deby to meet with President Bush to discuss situation in Darfur
  • Experts believe the visit has a lot to do with Chadian internal affairs where rebels groups have been very active lately causing a lot of chaos near the Chadian – Sudanese borders
  • President Bush is said to be satisfied with Chadian cooperation with international community in resolving the Darfur crisis



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Centre for Research Education and Development of Freedom of Expression and Associated Rights (CREDO)

Citizens for Global Solutions

Conscience International

Conseil National Pour les Libertés en Tunisie

Darfur Alert Coalition (DAC)

Darfur Centre for Human Rights and Development

Darfur Leaders Network (DLN)

Darfur Reconciliation and Development Organization (DRDO)

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre

East Africa Law Society

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International Refugee Rights Initiative

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Justice and Peace Commission

Lawyers for Human Rights

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Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l'Homme

Makumira University College, Tumaini University

Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

Minority Rights Group

National Association of Seadogs

Never Again International

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Pan-African Movement

Rencontre Africaine Pour la Defense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO)

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Sudan Organization Against Torture (SOAT)

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