The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

U.S. and European media

February 18, 2023

Reuters: Sudan accused of attacks day after Darfur deal. Darfur rebels accused Sudan's government of launching two attacks on their positions on Wednesday, a day after the sides signed a goodwill agreement paving the way to peace talks. The insurgent Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) said government aircraft bombed their fighters in the mountainous East Jabel Marra area, at the same time as ground forces and militias clashed about 70 km (45 miles) further northeast. The reports will dismay observers and foreign governments who on Tuesday gave a cautious welcome to the deal between JEM and the government. Many said it could be a first step to peace after almost six years of fighting.

BBC: Mixed hopes for Sudan peace deal. Three Sudanese people tell the BBC what they make of a deal between Darfur's rebel Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) and the Khartoum government. The accord paves the way for broader peace talks aimed at ending the six-year conflict in Darfur. ISHAG MEKKI, 41, INTERPRETER, LONDON: I don't trust the Sudanese government. My sister was killed in Darfur in 2006 by a Sudanese government soldier. It's difficult to see how this agreement will work. It's not an inclusive agreement when the other main rebel groups in Darfur haven't signed up to it. GASIM BADRI, 62, ACADEMIC, KHARTOUM: The accord is a very positive step. With a conflict like this, people need to sit around a table to negotiate a peace. This is at least a step in that direction. This is the Sudanese government's last chance to come up with a viable solution. AZHARI ELHAG, 45, HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST, KHARTOUM: This accord is not going to work. It only includes two parties and you cannot bring peace to Darfur unless you include other rebel groups.

Agence France-Presse: Clooney and Farrow highlight Darfur conflict. Hollywood star George Clooney and Mia Farrow on Tuesday stepped up their campaigns to highlight the Darfur conflict with visits to eastern Chad where hundreds of refugees have fled. Clooney is about to go to eastern Chad, while Farrow has just returned from the area where she met refugees. Clooney, on his fifth visit to Darfur and Chad, told AFP it was the "right time to be here to support the people." "We are waiting for the indictment of (Sudan President) Omar al-Beshir," by the International Criminal Court (ICC), he added.

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