The Darfur Consortium

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Darfur in the News

Arabic Media

July 19, 2023

Source:Al Rai (Government-friendly, Jordanian daily enjoys wide circulation)

Headline: London Threatens Sudan with New Sanctions

New British Prime Minister Gordon Brown threatened to impose new sanctions against Sudan if the government did not end violence in Darfur. He told the parliament that Britain was ready to take new measures if Sudanese government did not:

  • Stop the violence
  • Confront the militia
  • Improve the lives of Darfur citizens

In additions, Prime Minister Brown promised to provide economic assistance to war-torn Darfur region as soon as the violence stopped.

Source:Al Jazeera (Leading Arabic News Channel, headquartered in Qatar)

Headline: Sudan Political Establishment Objects to Libyan International Conference

By: Imad Abdul Hadi

While the Sudanese government welcomed Libya International Conference on Darfur, political parties were skeptical:

  • Abdul Wahid Nour of Sudan Liberation Movement considered it a “a useless political maneuver,” adding that his group will not abide by its recommendations
  • Mohamed Abdullah Adduma, prominent Darfur lawyer, said neighboring countries have their own hidden agenda, which explains why upcoming rebel meeting will be held in Tanzania. He did not think the conference will produce a breakthrough
  • Umma Party insisted that resolving Darfur crisis cannot happen without participation of influential political parties
  • Democratic Unionist Party wanted the crisis to be resolved through a national conference involving all parties: government, political parties, and armed groups
  • Popular Congress Party accused the government of undermining the conference by sending a representative who is a non-ruling party official in the person of Assamani Al Wasila.

Source:Al Arabiya (Saudi-Funded Arabic News Channel, a Strong Rival of Al Jazeera)

Headline: Khartoum Questioned Refugees Identities and Will Coordinate Efforts with Egypt to End Illegal Immigration to Israel

Sudanese Foreign Minister Assamani Al Wasila announced that Sudan is working with Egypt to end illegal immigration to Israel:

  • Attempts by Darfur refugees to sneak into Israel increased dramatically
  • Egypt was able to stop some attempts
  • Because Sudan has no diplomatic relations with Israel, it will work with Egypt to resolve this illegal immigration crisis
  • Sudan is working with international organizations to resolve the crisis
  • He insisted that the government wants all Sudanese refugees in Israel to return
  • Al Wasila also questioned the identity of these illegal immigrants

Read the above in Arabic.


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Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)

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National Association of Seadogs

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